Tuesday, December 27, 2016

OW.  now i'm mad

So it's been approximitly 1 month since my last run.

My knee hurts... still.  I can walk (and probably run) with no problem, but down steps is a no-no.  Also if my foot snags the curb or a step I get a sharp pain right above my knee.  Its time, I think, to call the doctor and see what is going on.

I miss my runs.

I'm afraid of words like; meniscus, ACL, arthritis, bubonic plague...  I just want to get back to running.  I would even (gasp) join a gym if it meant I could continue running.  Seriously, I'm scairt.

Just made the appointment.  Will let you know how it goes.


Friday, November 18, 2016

been away for a spell


The last few days have been like a repeated sucker punch to the old breadbasket.

President Trump.  UGH, I might be sick.

I have woken up most mornings in just sheer disbelief.  I have also woken up with a half empty bottle of bourbon next to my bed (the aftermath of late night phone calls between old friends declaring our call to arms).  Like I said, it's been a tough few days.

That being said, I've managed to get my runs in.  They have been a smooth tonic for my battered soul.   I have been a bit of a slouch when it has come to doing my intervals, but I have kept at my regular five milers and my long run on Sundays.

My diet has been terrible and the bourbon fueled evenings have not been helpful, but I have finally pushed through.  Lunch today consists of 2 hard boiled eggs, some potatoes, green beans and arugula.  
I will be drinking water by the gallon until my humors are balanced.

I have a long run Sunday and I will be shooting for seven miles.  I skipped todays run because my knee hurt a little bit on my run yesterday.  Riding my bike until Sunday.

Not much to report otherwise.  Gonna keep fighting.  I mean PRESIDENT Trump???


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

legs like springs, but no... seriously

I ran my first trail run with the old running club on Sunday.  Being viciously hung over did not help me in anyway whatsoever.  I do not advocate running hungover, no sir, not one bit.

The trails sucked.  I started off feeling pretty good, but my body was not up to the task and at about mile 3 I started to crash hard.  I slowed down considerably and when I thought I might get a second wind I was lead to the base of a very large, seemingly endless, set of stairs.  We rested for about 45 seconds as a group and then up we went.  How I did not succumb to projectile vomiting I will never know.

At the top of the stairs we walked a quick lap and then were off again on our merry way.  And by merry I obviously mean the rest of the crew.  I was crying like a baby who just lost his blankie.

At the end we stretched for a bit and then I ran home.  I was ashamed to say the least.  I find myself wanting to impress my running club.  I want them to see my progress and be blown away.  Unfortunately this is very hard when I show up hung over with the energy of lazy slug. I will get there though dammit!  One day I will run those trails like a Gazelle.  You'll see.

So anywhoo, for my sins I ran another 5 miles on Monday.  I was happy with my pace and I felt like I had more energy.  Right now my game plan is four runs a week, but I may push to five come December.  The legs feel strong and I want to see what they can do!

Happy Day After Halloween y'all.

Friday, October 28, 2016

hill, barf, repeat

Hill repeats on Wednesday.


Jesus that was not pleasant.  I can see how it helps build stamina and speed, but it also makes my feel like my lungs are exploding.  I think this is going to be one of those, "I need to make hill repeats my friend!", kind of challenge.   I did 30 seconds sprinting up and 30 seconds jogging back down.  I repeated that 10 times.  I think next week I am going to go to 45/30 second intervals.  Eventually, maybe, I can get to 1 minute/15 second intervals?

I had a buddy come in from out of town at about 2 am last night so I didn't really sleep well.  I skipped todays easy run, but am looking forward to a 6 or 8 miler on Sunday.  Then its back to business as usual.  The knee feels fine and everything seems to be functioning... more or less.

I did try running in the afternoon this week which is something I have yet to do.  I ONLY run in the morning.  It wasn't not pleasant.  I'm intrigued about the idea of, perhaps, running after work sometimes....  Hmmmm.  I guess when I get to training for an ACTUAL Marathon I may have to do 2 a days to get my mileage in, but i'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

I was in Portland Maine for the weekend and I gained about 6 pounds.

So there's that.

Maybe this guy if the weathers nice this weekend.

Friday, October 21, 2016

intervals and intensity

I did my intervals on Wednesday.  30 seconds at about 90% followed by 30 seconds at a slow jog.  Repeat 10 times.  It was not pleasant, though I think it will help with my overall speed and pain threshold.  But all in all I would rather be getting a root canal.  As I do this more I want to make the sprint time longer as I lessen the recovery time.

This morning I did 5 miles with the intention of taking it nice and slow.  Which is why its called an EASY run.  Instead I PR'd my 5 mile run at a 9:22 pace!  That was a pleasant surprise and I think that with some effort I could do my next Half in a sub 9 minute pace.  Which would be pretty sweet.

My goal is not to go out and kill myself every run, but, rather, make it slightly more difficult.  I don't want to get injured, but I want to get stronger and faster and for that ya kinda need to work a little.  The good news is I have a lot of time to figure this out.  Well, not so much time.  I have a Half in January so I kind to need to get cracking.

I'm starting to do a bit of an easy stretch routine before my runs and it really helps out with that first mile.  Generally I feel like my knees are wrapped with barbed wire for the first mile or so.  Getting some blood into my legs and keeping my feet "light" for the first mile or so is helpful.  I am also starting to make some discoveries when I consider my stride.  I keep my regular stride rather short and quick, a bit of a pitter-patter of a stride.  As I start to go down hill (depending on the grade) I let my stride get a little longer and though I felt that this would lead to discomfort when I first started experimenting the effect is quite the opposite.

Uphills I just charge and hope for the best.

I am off to Maine on Sunday so I might do a 5 or 6 miler before I take off.  I foresee my calorie count in Maine as being somewhat astronomical so I will be packing my running shoes!  LOBSTA for days.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

more races to come

I ran 5 miles yesterday which felt pretty good.  I am going to run some intervals tomorrow and another easy 5 miler on Friday.  I am off to Portland Sunday and I will probably try to get in a run or two while I am there.

I signed up the the Cocoa 10 miler in Central Park on January 8th and will be signing up for the Fred Lebow 1/2 Marathon January 22nd.  Both are in Central Park 2 weeks apart.  I am looking forward to the 10 miler as it will give me an opportunity to get to know the course.  I imagine both races will be quite chilly.

I'm excited for tomorrow as I have never done any interval training.  It will be nice to mix things up and hopefully it will help me shave off some time from future races.  I think I will alternate Hill Repeats and Intervals every other Wednesday.  My Weekly Plan should look something like this;

Monday - Easy Run 3-5 miles
Tuesday - Easy Cross Train 30 minutes
Wednesday - Alternate Intervals/Hill Repeats - 10 X 30 seconds run/jog
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Easy Run 3-5 miles
Saturday - Easy Cross Train 30 minutes
Sunday - Long Run

Though it looks like a lot (to me anyway) my Cross Training is literally riding my bike to and from work.  I am not going to be pushing too hard.  I basically have 3 off days.  I am really excited to work on this routine for a bit and see what the results are.  So far I have been really happy NOT pushing myself too much. Now I want to push a little and see what comes of it.

As my intervals and repeats get "easier" I imagine I will push them to 45 seconds, 1 minute, etc...  I am going to spend more time seeing what I need in terms of sustenance on my long runs as well.  I didn't eat during my Staten Island run and that may have slowed me down towards the end.  Alright!  Intervals!  Oh Boy.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

half marathon

When I woke up at 5:30 on Sunday the weather said it was 65 degrees.  I dressed, packed some dry clothes, ate a power bar and headed out into the wet morning.  It was not 65 degrees.  It felt closer to 45 degrees.  I walked to the Frankin ave 4 stop and met up with my running club and off we went to Staten Island.

When we arrived the course was cold and windy and wet.  I felt practically frozen when the race began.  After about a half a mile I was convinced that my legs would not make it.  My shins were like broken glass, my hips and knees were sore, I felt tight everywhere.  I was miserable.  At mile 2 I felt a little better, but was still pretty worried as my running partner and I were behind pace.  Mile 3 was a gentle down hill and as I lengthened my strides I started to feel good and my legs started to feel loose.

I realized, during miles 4 through 6, that I have much more endurance than I give myself credit for.  I really felt great and pushed myself.  I hollered a lot, cheering on my fellow runners, I even talked to my partner quite a bit.  That was until mile 6 1/2'ish anyway.  Then we started back.

Heading back was another story.  Suddenly the tail wind we had been loving was in our face.  We were running by the sea now and the rain was starting to pour sideways.  It was tough.  It was painful. I still felt strong, but started to feel very discouraged as I realized I had to go all the way back in these conditions.

I'll save you the mile by mile run back.  A few miles were strong, a few almost broke me. It was tough.  Mile 12 was EXTREMELY tough.  The last 1/2 mile I basically ran as fast as I could to get to the finish line.  I was frozen to the bone, everything hurt, but I finished.

Overall, I think I did really well.  My pace was 9:53 and I was (realistically) thinking it would be around 10:30.  The conditions were horrible, but I managed to overcome some VERY negative thinking.  All in all I surprised myself and am looking forward to doing better.

It's been a big challenge to get here and now that I have finished this beast I am looking forward to my next race!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

only a couple days more.

I ran 10 miles on Sunday!  I ran 4 yesterday.  I ran 3 this morning. This coming Sunday I will attempt to run 13.1 miles in Staten Island!  Considering where I was even 6 months ago I regard this as a pretty major accomplishment.

Unless Hurricane Matthew blows in this weekend and my race is cancelled.  I mean.... what are the odds.  Training for 3 months and a storm may be the ultimate deciding factor.  Either way, I WILL run 13.1094 miles dammit.  But seriously, Hurricane Matthew?  You can't write this shit.

The 10 miles on Sunday was tough, but there were moments of, dare I say, grace?  Moments when I felt perfectly in tune with my surroundings and my body and my breath.  I had long stretches of just being in the moment, feeling the internal gears click and my bodies rhythms at one with the pavement.

And there were moments when I felt like a pig trying to climb a greased ladder.

Ah the joys of running.

Well, here's hoping that Sunday happens without a hitch.  Here's hoping that I get to celebrate with a huge bowl of noodles in Chinatown.  Here's hoping that, barring a storm, Sunday Football goes back to normal (I mean come on G-men!!!!).

My knees and legs feel strong (if not a wee bit tight).  My fear factor is more or less in check.  I will continue to carb up.  Come on Matthew, blow your ass out to sea.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

made it.  and my knee is weird

The 9 mile run on Sunday was not so terrible.  Well, the last mile was pretty terrible, but I felt pretty great the rest of the time.  There was an uphill that lasted about 3/4 of a mile that was tough and a downhill that sucked (but don't all downhills suck?).  I got a little lost at one point and had to re-route on the fly, but I managed.

I ran 5 miles Tuesday morning and felt pretty terrific.  Knee didn't bother me at all.  I am still pretty slow, but it was a sub 10 minute pace so I can't really complain.  Now this morning i've skipped my run because my legs feel like they need to heal some.  It makes zero sense.  My calves, achilles heel and knee feel beat up after feeling great for the past few days.  I know I could have run this morning, but I think an extra day of rest may better in the long run.

I am riding my bike a lot and I have noticed that the bridges have become easier and that my stamina towards the top of my inclines has gotten much better.  I am really able to dig deeper and push more. I just want to get my race done at this point.  I am really nervous about it for some reason.  I am going to run with a friend that runs at my pace which may help keep me honest with my game plan, in fact we are going to run 10 miles this Sunday.

Lentils with curry and kale and some roast chicken for lunch today.  Time to make my smoothie!

Friday, September 23, 2016

5 and still alive.  will 9 feel fine or will i just cry like a baby?

Ran 5 yesterday on the wonky knee.  It was not bad.  I felt really strong the last few miles.  The rest of the day felt fine on my knee, but it was a little stiff this morning.  I ordered a knee brace and will probably use it during the day just to give my knee a break.

I have to run 9 miles on Sunday and I am looking forward to it!  I guess i'll know at the end of that beast where I stand. I'm going to run in Jersey so it will be a new route. I think the change of scenery may be a pleasant distraction.

I am going to try and eat something before the run.  For some reason the fear of eating before a run is up there with shark attacks for me.  I am fairly convinced that I will poop my pants if I eat before a run.  I'll give myself an hour to digest.  That should cover it.  I hope.

Two weeks until the race!  I am very excited and nervous.  I will probably slow down everything these next two weeks to keep the abuse on my joints to a minimum.  I need to remember that I am in this for distance, not speed.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

i'm injured.  i think

My knee is tweaked.

It's my left knee and it hurts on the inside side.  I couldn't finish my 10 K on Sunday and I took a break today.  Hopefully I will feel ok by Thursday (skipping tomorrow as well) to run 5 miles and also on Sunday when I will be (hopefully) running 9 miles.  If I can't run 9 miles on Sunday I am considering dropping out of the race.

And that would suck.

I am a little nervous about this injury.  Will my dreams of running long races be smashed?  Did I try to run too far too soon?  I feel like a half-marathon after 8 months may be a push.  Or is this just something that every runner goes through?  Is it just a tweak?  Will it work itself out?

I think that I will go to Staten Island on race day and try my best.  Maybe i'll end up walking the damn thing.  Maybe I will be picked up for being too slow and suffer that indignity.  Or maybe I will overcome my injury and Chariots O' Fire the damn race.

And if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its ass a' hoppin'........

Here's hoping I wake up tomorrow feeling fine.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

short and sweet

The run to Coney Island Sunday sucked.  It was really hard.  One of the friends I ran with pushed me for the first two miles or so and I kinda kept up.  Then they were gone and I fell back.  But I pushed.

It was hot.  REALLY HOT. I brought water but that was soon gone and, though I could have stopped to buy more water, I ran without.  I felt faint at mile six and practically delirious at mile 7, but I kept on slogging along.  When I got to the end my friends informed me that I had not been that far behind.  I didn't believe them.

I checked out my Garmin and it informed me that I set new personal bests in a few categories; Fastest 1 mile, Fastest 5K, Fastest 10K, Fastest 8 mile.  I was pretty stoked.  We had Italian Ices and then took the subway home.  We went to our separate homes to shower and change and then went and gorged ourselves on Pizza and beer.

Tuesday morning I woke up and ran 5 miles.  I gotta say, I cruised. I had a personal best mile (8:40).  I finished much quicker than usual and had a 9:20 average pace.  This morning I ran 3 miles and took it easy, but tomorrow I will try and push again.  Not to the injury point, but enough to challenge myself a little more.

My game plane is still to concentrate on finishing the 1/2 marathon rather than shoot for a specific time, but its nice to know that I can push a little and it won't kill me.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

coney island bound

My run tomorrow, should I choose to accept is, is 8-9'ish miles to Coney Island.   It's a doozy. 

I will be running it with two of my neighbors (now dear friends) who are both much more accomplished runners than I . We will run to Coney, maybe eat some pizza and drink a beer, and then head back via the Q (thats a subway line if you are not familiar with New York).  Ooooooooh, maybe some clam strips too..... and a Nathan's hot dog.   

I am extremely nervous about this endeavor.  It will be my longest run to date and the first really "long" run going into my final few weeks of training.  I feel pretty good, but have still remained a little sluggish on my last few runs even though I seemed to be running faster than usual.  I sleep well and eat..... pretty well.  I have been drinking a little more than usual as of late, but not going nuts.  

My friends will push me on this run.  I know this.  I may end up trailing behind, but I will push my self, too a point, to keep up as best I can.  This is not about me hurting myself.  This is about getting in the miles and, perhaps, enjoying a new route.  

Maybe enjoy is too strong a word.

After this run its all gravy for the rest of my Sunday.  The Giants have their opening game at 4pm and I will be able to watch the Mets try to beat up the pesky Braves at 1.  There may be pizza, there maybe nachos.  Hell, there may even be some sort of salad.  I know there will be ice for my knee's and a refreshment or two for me.  

I will have, hopefully, deserved it.  

Tonight its a Mets game, some stew and a LOT of water.  

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

the grind. oh, the grind

Its starting to suck.  The day to day training.  The Sunday long run.  The back to backs during the week.  The regularity of it all.  The grind.

Tuesday morning was a struggle.  To get out of bed and out of the house.  It kind of sucked.  My run was not so bad, though I felt pretty rundown at the beginning.  My time was better than expected.  But I was mentally beat right from the get go.

This morning was not much better.  Again, my time was not bad, it was actually pretty good, but my mind was in the doldrums.  Perhaps a change in diet?  Maybe switch my route?  I hate not being psyched to get out there.  Maybe it's like exhaustion, if I power through it it will go away.

I'm going to see if running other routes helps.   Maybe a change of scenery is in order.  Also, i'll start bringing snacks on my run.  Maybe i'm just hungry?

Not much to report other than this.  Here's to some motivation!

Friday, September 2, 2016

feeling groovy

The knees are feeling better.  I have started doing some light stretches before my run and do a pretty rigorous routine after.  I also make sure to ice my knees. I think it just may be some growing pains as I start to ramp up the mileage.  I'll see how I feel after Sundays run.

I am starting to really pay attention to my pre-run diet.  This is, of course, the meal the evening before as I don't eat before runs.  I am trying to keep it pretty clean the night before to make sure my stomach does not get too loopy.  I will, of course, be bringing waffles and goo's on my longer runs. I am also very concerned with hydration.  I will definitely try my Hydration Pack https://www.cambridgelsat.com/bookstore/?azdp=B01ECCEAR0 this Sunday as it's a long one (7 miles).  I am a little nervous about chaffing, but the reviews are pretty solid.

I am actually (FINALLY) starting to see the effects of this training program.  My legs are starting to feel stronger on second and third day, consecutive, runs.  This Thursday was the third consecutive run and I definitely felt like it was my strongest of the three.   I will definitely be following this plan to the letter until the race, but will be doing a lot of research after to find a great strength and speed plan.

I have pretty much stopped riding my bike to work.  I only ride in on Saturdays as Saturdays are scheduled as a cross-training day.  I find the Manhattan Bridge really stresses my patella on run days. I have been reading a lot about the importance of rest in your running.  It's very hard to pull back and ease off.  I tend to want to push the envelope and see how far I can go and see how much I can take.  But I will seriously lose my shit if i get injured, so rest it is.

I'll be heading out of town Sunday after my run.  Going to visit a buddy upstate.  Maybe do some swimming hole laps and some beer curls.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

fatigue or just malaise?

I did not want to run this morning.  Not at all.  In fact I woke up in the middle of the night and basically told myself that I was done with running.  Forever.  Kaput.  I even fell back asleep believing it.

This morning when I woke I felt pretty much the same.  I dawdled and fidgeted. I played with Captain and considered going back to sleep.  And then, begrudgingly, I put on my running shorts and a shirt and stumbled into the living room to put on my shoes.

My run was kind of shitty.  Generally after a mile or two you get in a groove and it becomes bearable.  But this morning I was cognizant the whole time of how miserable I felt.  I just couldn't get into a groove.  When I got to the Hill (no longer to be named Hell Hill, we've made friends) I tried to lengthen my stride and pump my arms (much like, I imagine, a Gazelle).  I cruised up about 1/4 of the hill and then my lungs exploded causing me to tone it down a bit.  I made it out of the park and ran up to the museum and did my stretch.

But get this.  My run was a sub 10 minute mile.  9:40 to be precise. This was a personal best for me.  And it sucked the whole time!?!?

So is this fatigue that I am feeling or just a runners malaise?  I am definitely getting into the higher mileage portion of my training.  Is this fear?  Am I putting off the inevitable because I know the inevitable is going to SUCK?  I guess i'll know tomorrow morning.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016


I went on a boat!

We sailed to Fishers Island on Sunday and spent the night.  I went swimming, paddle boarding, I was stung by a jellyfish and I drank at the single most horrifying bar ever; The Pequot. https://www.yelp.com/biz/the-pequot-fishers-island-3

I also got very sunburned.

Needless to say my run this morning was not an altogether pleasant experience, although I did run a sub 9 minute mile at mile 2.  It was nice and cool this morning and the sun was shining.  I finally wore my new Asics G-2000 4's again and miraculously survived without blisters  So, all in all, I can't really complain.   But I had a chip on my shoulder.  Definitely had a chip.

Because this weekend made me think a lot.  It made me think about the limitations I set for myself.

There was a lot of picture talking on this trip and I was really upset when my buddy took a picture of me and texted it to me.  I looked really out of shape.  It really shocked me.  I mean, I know I am not skinny by any stretch of the imagination, but I thought I was getting a little more svelte.  I was upset.  I have to admit it.  Pretty bummed.

I have been running for 8 months now (give or take a week or two) and I am still struggling with weight.  It's very frustrating.  I guess I imagined that running would be a cure all for all my ills.  And in some ways it has been, but I think its time to raise the bar.  I want to start incorporating some sort of high intensity training into my routine.  Running seemed impossible to me and I have, so far, been able to keep up with it.  The HIIT stuff has to start now.

I am fairly petrified at the thought of working out, but it may now be time to overcome that particular fear and get to it.  I imagine there is plenty of stuff on youtube to get me started.  But the weight is going to come off dammit.  I don't think I need 6-pack abs, but something needs to change and change now.

Although 6 pack abs would not be so bad either...

Friday, August 19, 2016


I thought I would share this hotsauce recipe.  Its great on oysters and cold roast chicken... and pretty much everything else.

Dave’s “ouch-ee” sauce
Yield - 2 Cups ish (keeps for 2-4 days refrigerated) 

3 tomatillo’s – papery skin off & stems removed
1 serrano pepper - stem removed
1 jalapeno – stem removed
1 habanero – stem removed
3 cloves of garlic- peeled
1 shallot – peeled
1 bunch cilantro – tough stems removed
2 limes – juice only
*Agave or simple syrup – to taste
Salt and pepper – to taste
3 T Olive oil


Wash chilies well.  Place chilies, tomatillos, garlic and shallot in a sauce pan with plenty of salted water.  Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer.  Cover pot and simmer chilies for 25 minutes until everything is cooked through.  Strain ingredients into a colander and place on a plate and then transfer to the fridge until all ingredients are cold. 

Transfer cold items and the water they have release to a blender.  On low speed puree smooth.  Add cilantro and blend well.  Season with salt and pepper to taste and balance heat with agave or  simple syrup.  Add lime juice bit by bit until acid is balanced. Add olive oil and give one final blend.  Do this as quickly as possible to keep sauce nice and green.  Over blending will heat the chlorophyll and cause the sauce to turn brown.

* you can also use some diced pineapple for sweetness in lieu of agave or simple syrup. Add 1 T at a time until balance is achieved. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

old friend, new run

I went running with a friend that I met TWENTY YEARS ago this morning.

She had just come back from running the Dublin Half Marathon so I was a little terrified of running with someone I considered rather seasoned in her running.  We met in front of The Brooklyn Museum and after catching up a bit off we ran.

We ran 4 1/2 miles.  It was hot.  I once again surprised myself with the amount of sweat I produce.  I felt loose and I also felt like I was picking my feet up with a little more gusto than usual.  I felt good!  Sweaty as balls, but good.  Then my friend informed me, about 2 miles into our run, that my pace was somewhere in the 9:00 mile range.

I was shocked.

This made me ponder two thing; 1) am I getting faster? and 2) Does running with a partner push me to run faster?

I guess there is a 3) as well; do I run slower when there is no one there to push me?

Interesting queries all.

I did also take more time to stretch before my run which is something I never do.  This may have something to do with the way I eased into a faster pace?  I truly have not one clue, but I may try stretching a little before more and see what comes of it.  I will say that for once my legs didn't feel like splinters for the first 2 miles.

I am very happy that my growth as a runner seems to be on the incline vs a plateau.   I know the flats will come and i'll have to work through them, but so far so good (knock on wood).  I also realize that the real trials will come with injury and the subsequent recoveries.  Until then though I will keep on trucking'.

2 miles tomorrow and another 4 Thursday.  6 miles this Sunday!

Peace out nerds.

Sunday, August 14, 2016


5 miles in the Pocono's this morning.  Very hilly, very hot and very humid.  It was very slow going and my time was pretty terrible.  But I felt good about my run.  I felt strong.  I rolled my ankle a bit with about a mile to go and kept running through the pain until my ankle felt better.  It feels fine now.

That first mile is always tough for me.  Everything hurts and I just want to turn around and go home.  After about the second mile the pain starts to go away and all is good.  I tried a GU Gel this morning at about mile 3 because I wanted to see what kind of energy it provides.  I couldn't really tell, but I didn't feel as fatigued as usual at the end of my run.  I never eat before runs, though I will plan on eating a bagel with peanut butter before my 9 and 10 milers (and my half).

I head back home tomorrow. I may have to add a day of stairs or something to my training.  I want to burn some fat.  I want to lose another 10 pounds (at least) before the half.  It's very frustrating.  I am probably going to have to cut down on my beers.   Sigh.

The Mets are not doing so good.  They beat the Padres last night and Matz is pitching really well today.   Its been a tough season.  It has been stressing me out a bit. Thank god football season is around the corner.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

knees and the foibles of gravity

I have started ending my runs (week 3 of training by the way) by sprinting up 3 flights of stairs near the Brooklyn Museum.  It is TOUGH.  I think it will get me mentally prepared for whats to come AFTER The Staten Island Half, when I start to incorporate stair training and sprints and tempo runs.  Not really looking forward to any of that, but what the hell.  Its the only way I will get any faster and probably the only way I will start to actually lose any weight.

My patella has been bothering me all week.  Not terribly, but sometimes after runs when i'm walking I get a sharp pain in my knee cap.  It hurts like the dickens.  I think I am going to have to start incorporating some burpee's and lunges to my regime to start strengthening my legs and knees.  It could also be related to a tight IT band.  I will try a few different things and see if anything works.

My run this morning was like running in a sauna.  I felt like Rocky at the end.  I sweated through everything.  The heat and humidity are brutal.  I am ready for October already.  This Saturday it is supposed to feel like a humid 108 here.  OY.

I head down to Charleston in September for some food and a nice long trail run or 2.  Stuck up here for the time being.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

slow and sweaty wins the race

Four miles today at a 9:50 pace.

Definite improvement since January and the 15:00 miles.  It was a terrific run.  I ran through all the morning soreness and managed to keep up a pretty good pace.  I sweated what felt like a gallon of sweat and have to say that it is a GREAT feeling to come home drenched.  What a nice feeling of accomplishment.

I skipped riding my bike ride into work today because yesterday my legs felt pretty tight after my morning run and during my bike ride to and from work.  Giving the legs a day of rest.  I am now off until Sunday when I will attempt 5 miles for the first time since before breaking my toe.  I'm looking forward to it.

I have been looking into "scenic half marathons" on the old interwebs and 3 stick out in particular; The Key West Half Marathon, The Bermuda Half Marathon and The Bar Harbour (Maine) Half Marathon. http://www.runnersworld.com/bucket-list-races/9-best-destination-half-marathons/slide/2
I think any of these would be a treat and a great excuse to get out of town!  But I digress, lets get through The Staten Island Half first.

Not much too report.  Second week of training almost done and I feel good.  My weight is still lingering around 210, but I am eating lot of fruit and salad and hope that with longer runs come a big spike in my weight loss.  I am gunning for 185!  I should't put too much thought into it, but if I'm going to make the effort it would be nice to see some results.

Long run Sunday and beach Monday.

Living the dream.

Monday, July 25, 2016

week 1 musings

I finished my first week of training.  I think it went pretty good.  My runs for the first four weeks are pretty tame.  My four mile on Sunday was the longest run of the week.  I managed to keep my pace just under 10 minutes which is pretty much my goal.  If I can manage that pace on longer runs i'll be very happy.

My legs feel pretty strong.  Not a terrible amount of soreness.  I am on the fence of wether or not I should get new shoes before the half (marathon).  I think I will certainly be in the market after.  I am interested in trying out a few different brand that offer support for overpronation.  I also wonder if I can resolve my overpronating by concentration on how my feet fall.  Maybe build up the muscles that allow for my ankles to collapse.

Its still pretty much a scorcher out there every day.  Running is definitely not as pleasant in the midst of a New York July.  I feel like i'm running with a sock jammed in my mouth.  That being said, I am running a little faster and, I think, a little looser.

I tried to mess around with my gait yesterday.  I'm trying to almost slide my feet out in front of me when I run.  Its hard to describe, but I am trying to stay cognizant of how high I lift my legs each stride.  Anything to ease the wear on my legs, knees, hips, etc.  

I can't wait to get out to the country again this coming weekend.  I am really looking forward to my long runs in the woods.  It's very soothing out there with the deer and the trees.  Running in Prospect Park is nice, but even though it has lots of trees and ponds I am still very aware that I am still in the city.  I think I am going to try and find some 10K's upstate to go run.  Maybe something in The Catskills or The Adirondacks. 

To beat the heat I went to a Costco type place with my mom last weekend and stocked up on Gatorade.  I think I am good through August.  

Ok. Smoothie time.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

pace! how low can you go?

9:15 pace run for 3 miles this morning.  I started officially training today.  Tomorrow and Thursday are 2 mile days and Sunday is 4.  I will build up to a final 10 mile Sunday the Sunday before the actual race.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday's are back to back lower mile days building up to a 6,5,6 mile stack towards the end.   Saturdays will be a 30, 40 or 60 minute bike ride.

I ran in the Poconos on Sunday and it was SUPER hilly.  I kept it to 3 miles as I didn't want to push before my training ACTUALLY began. I am going to try to do as many of my long runs up there as humanly possible because; 1) it's beautiful & 2) its hilly as balls.  I also have the use of a pool up there which may come in useful after long runs as a way to work my sore ass legs out.

I went out last night and probably had 1 too many pints which lead to a bad take-out choice which doubled me up in the middle of the night.  I'll spare you the details, but it was not a night of rest.  That being said, I did get my ass out on the road this morning.  I made up for my bad choices last night by packing an awesome lunch of marinated cucumbers and tomato's (from my mom's garden), hummus (home made) and some hard boiled eggs (from a chicken).  A little mezze for me.

Mets got crushed by the Cubs last night.  It was bound to happen.  This is going to be a tough second half.  I don't know if I can handle it.  Harvey is out for the season and both Matz and Syndergaard need surgery at the end of the season.  And Wheeler? Well, I am going to assume that we can forget about Wheeler.

The weather is getting really beautiful out there.  Humidity is down and the mornings are cooler.  Good running weather.  I hope it holds up as that running in a sauna shit is for the goddamn birds.  My weight is neither going up or down.  Steady at about 212 which is infuriating.  It'll happen when it happens I guess.

The Captain has been super cuddly recently.  He can't get enough of me.  He purrs like crazy as soon as I get home and if I don't give him attention IMMEDIATELY, he starts mewing like a broken record.  I love that annoying little fur ball.

All right, gotta get to work!  I'll keep you posted.

Friday, July 15, 2016

cat musings

The Captain caught a mouse in my apartment this morning!

I was on the phone and I heard a pounce and then in he walked, proud as punch, with a furry little rodent his mouth.  I was very proud.  I thought to myself; "What a skillful and brave hunter I have adopted."

Aaaaand then he shit the bed (metaphorically speaking).

After about 3 seconds of proud peacockery he started to try and toy with the little fella.  This lasted about 10 seconds and then the mouse, deciding that this game was for the birds, scooted under my fridge.

The wind was let out of my cats furry balloon.  I thought it hilarious.  He did not.  I left him staring at my fridge contemplating life, death, rodent behavior and, perhaps, allegories concerning birds in hand vis a vis birds in bush.  He's probably still there.

I ran 3 hot miles yesterday.  It was really tough to get out there, but I felt better once I started.  Well, relatively anyways.. I have found that the heat is REALLY affecting me.  I am super sluggish out there.  I invested in a "hydration system" which is basically a backpack with a plastic sack of water in it.  I foresee myself getting a lot of use out of that bad boy.

I have a lot of questions about hydrating and fueling for longer runs and hydrating/fueling during longer runs.  I will have to do some research.  I have no idea what to eat before a long run.  Do I eat the night before?  Morning of?  How much water should I drink?  Can I drink too much?  Will I crap my pants? I worry about having to worry about bodily functions during long runs.  I just don't want to be the guy charging to the port-o-potty (or worse).

Lots to think about.

I'm off to the country this weekend!  A little golf, a little bbq and probably a longish run.

Enjoy your weekend folks!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Slow run Tuesday.  Really slow and hot.  My leg still feels a little sore so I skipped today and will go for a short one Thursday and a slightly longer run Sunday.  Next week I start my training regime so I want to make sure I get out a few more times this week to keep my legs working.

I'm very excited to start training officially.  I wouldn't say I am without hesitation. It's a LOT of running.  It doesn't really get hairy for a few weeks and then, suddenly, i'm throwing in an 8 miler, a 9, a 10...  Eeesh.

Diet is going well.  I generally have a smoothie for breakfast and a grain or legume salad of some sort for lunch.  Dinner I keep pretty open.  I wouldn't say I go nuts, but a burger is not beyond possibility. For the most part though its a protein and brown rice with some veg.   And water during the day.  Lots of water.

I have a problem with "listening to my body".  For all I know, my body is a lazy turd that just wants to stay in bed.  Maybe it's lying to me?  Today I listened to my body and skipped a run.  My rationalization was that I start training next week and I shouldn't have any back to back runs this week.  That I should keep active, but not stress myself too much.  I'm not quite sure who to listen to in this situation.

My toe is still swollen, but does not bother me at all when I run.  It tends to be bad in the morning, but I assume thats due to lack of blood flow when I sleep.  I'll keep an eye on the little bugger, but I am not too worried.

Ok, gotta run.   Things to do!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

slight pull

I think I strained my quad a wee bit during my runs this week.  I am going to take the weekend off and give it a go Tuesday morning.  It's tough to take a day, or multiple days, off.  I really want to jump back into it and to start racking up the miles.

I am off to PA this evening for a weekend of golf and BBQ with my family.  I packed two salads today to give my belly some reprise before the weekend.  I also had a smoothie for breakfast.  I am going to get down below 200 lbs dammit.

Yesterday was unbearable hot and this morning was freaking cold.  The weekend is supposed to get really muggy and hot.   The weather is affecting me more than I thought it would.  I have been drinking so much water it's stupid.  Sometimes up to 6 quarts a day.

Training for The Staten Island Half starts in just over a week.  I am nervous as hell, but really excited at the same time.  I can't wait to get out there and start working!

Neighbors are taking care of the cat this weekend.  I feel like it would be cruel to take him up to my folks.  Big house, plenty of room to run around.  Probably just spoil the little bugger.....

Friday, July 8, 2016

the world and all us in it

The state of our world seems dire these days.

On Sunday almost 300 people were killed during a suicide bombing in Baghdad which took place in a busy shopping district at the end of Ramadan.

Last evening snipers started shooting police officers in Dallas killing 5 and wounding 7.   Apparently as a reprisal for the violence perpetrated on black citizens by members of this countries police force.

A police force which due to poor training, or perhaps (much more terrifyingly) due to an insidious ideology, are gunning down people in the street without, it seems, any cause at all.

Last week a cyclist was murdered in Williamsburg Brooklyn when someone in a late-model Camaro slowed down behind the cyclist (who was in the bike lane) and ran him over, dragging his body 30 feet before leaving the scene.

If there is an answer for all this violence no one has come forward with it.  If there is a way to donate good will like one might donate blood, show me the way.  In Dallas, as in Ferguson, peaceful protest is being met with violence.

People are one-upping each other in their disgust of it all and no one is coming up with a solution.   Its terrifying to me because the outcome seems to be becoming almost too clear.  The blood is starting to flow and the mob is going to soon start gnashing its terrible teeth.

On my run this morning my running group ran the second mile in silence.  We listened to our own breath and footsteps and to the runners around us.  We took 10 minutes to sift through our own anger, fear, frustration and sadness about the state of our wonderful world.

It didn't solve anything.  I repeat.  It did not solve anything.

But it allowed me to let go of some of the static (the anger/rage/fear/sorrow static) and let me, for a minute, try to see clearly.  Without, and only for a brief minute, letting my own insensitivities, fears and flaws get in the way.  

I have no answers and I hope I wouldn't be so arrogant as to think I could offer a solution.

But if you could, be kind to yourself out there today.  Tune out the static for a second if you can.

Virtual, warm, hug to you all.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

sore legs and a sunny disposition

I went for a run with my running club yesterday morning.  A sunny, meandering, 3 mile run with a mean hill towards the end.  I kept up with everyone which was nice and I even managed to hold bits of conversation.  We kept our pace at, around, 10:30 as the Monday run is a recovery run.  It felt good.

I took down my calendar yesterday and charted my training for the Staten Island Half.   I am using Hal Higdon's Novice 1/2 Marathon regime.  It builds, incrementally, every 2 weeks.  Every 2 weeks the "regular" runs increase by a half mile and the long runs by a mile.  Week 6 and 9 long runs scale back in distance to, I assume, allow for recovery.

The Sunday before the Marathon is a 10 mile run which I imagine I will follow up with a very cold bath to bring down, what I imagine will be, some very swollen legs!  My calves and quads are quite sore today.  I will continue to run 3 mile'ish runs until my training starts on the 19th and then I follow the program.

Nothing new to report otherwise.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

back in the saddle

I did it!

I went out this morning and ran 3.5 miles.

My first run since May 19th and it felt good.  My lungs were a little strained and my time was not so great, but I did it.  I felt like I could have run farther, but I didn't push it.  I will run again tomorrow and then take a break Tuesday.

I feel great though.  My legs felt strong this morning.  I am hopeful.

This is all.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

monday run day

I am going to try to go for a 3 miler on Monday.  Super slow and very easy.  Test this little piggy out. I have been keeping off my feet as best as possible and have been riding my bike a lot.  My weight is down to 211 which is huge all things considered.

My diet is one that I can manage and seems to be working for me; last night:  Lamb chops, Eggplant and Salad.  Lunch today:  Chickpeas, roast chicken, asparagus and zucchini salad with red onion, lemon juice and olive oil.

Tomorrow I will pack a huge lentil salad with a few hard boiled eggs for dinner at work.  I have been ordering delivery Sicilian (square) pies (rule broken... I know) and freezing individual slices so if I come home late and am starving I can pop 1 or 2 slices in the oven.   Not a great plan, but it beats stopping by some take out Chinese place, or downing tacos and nachos, late night.

I got my blood test results back from my doctors visit last week.  The results are phenomenal. My doctor was super impressed.  My bad cholesterol is virtually gone, my BP is down and all the things on my chart that were in the red, 5 months ago, are much better.  I was pretty blown away by the results.  Apparently exercise is good for you.  Who knew?

Its starting to get hot out there.  I have been drinking tons of water at work, about a gallon a day, and will need to be on top of that when I start training again.   I am full of anxiety about starting up again, but I will try to motor through that.  It's going to suck rebuilding from the beginning, but if it was easy everybody would be doing it.

The Mets are now free falling.  It's like watching a car accident.  Everybody is injured and we are not going to make any moves towards acquiring somebody of substance.  Oh well, maybe in a few more years i'll have something to look forward to.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

checked out and ready to run... in, like, 3 more weeks.....

I went and saw my doctor this morning to get new blood pressure medicine.  She was happy with my BP and was very happy with my weight loss.  I explained that I had even managed to get skinnier, but that I had gained quite a bit back due to lack of exercise.  I am glad that she, and her assistant, noticed the change.

I have the Captain back home with me now.  He was pretty fucking nonplussed when he realized that he was staying with me again, in my teeny tiny apartment.  He was getting spoiled at my folks with lots of room to run around.  Its back to the tyranny of the New York apartment.  Deal with it cat.

Summer seems to have finally arrived.  It is hot today and I have a feeling that I will be in the depths of hell when I can, finally, get out running again.  I am looking forward to it and I am starting to chomp at the bit a bit.

My diet is back to normal.  I had some chickpeas with avocado, chicken and vegetables for lunch today.  I was thinking some mackerel tonight with brown rice and kale for supper.   I also have been eating brown rice for breakfast a lot.  With a couple of eggs.  Its really fulfilling.

The Mets are tumbling downhill as fast as they can.  We did manage to beat the Royals today though!  Don't even get me started about the possible Reyes trade.  We don't need a wife beater on our squad thank you very much.  We need young talent.  And we need it now.

Lets go toe and Lets Go Mets.

Friday, June 17, 2016

for the love of poutine.....

I got back from Montreal on Monday and have been basically living on brown rice and lentils ever since.  My toe is still F'd in the A, but I have been riding my bike and doing tons of push-ups.   I will keep at it.  Weight is around 216 which is not optimal, but under 220 which is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

My cat, Captain Marmalade, may be coming back home Monday as my parents are nervous about having him at their house in PA.  Their fear (and mine) is that he may run out into the street and get squooshed by a car.   I miss the little bugger and would be glad to have him back.

Montreal was amazing.  The weather was not so hot, but the food was redic.  I ate at Joe Beef Friday night and Au Pied de Cochon Saturday night.   Sunday night I ate at a great wine bar called Buvette Chez Simon.    I am still digesting I think.

At Joe Beef we started with a dozen Oysters followed by Razor Clams (with shaved foie gras a top them).  We followed this with a beef "gravlax" and then a 1/2 smoked duck.  We finished with a hazelnut cake and a couple glasses of Amaro.  You can see all this via my instagram. BTW...

At Au Pied de Cochon we went banana's.  We had Oysters, Asparagus and Morel mushrooms with veal demi and a fondue of parmesan, FOIE GRAS Poutine (thats french fries with cheese curds, seared foie gras and foie gras gravy) and an ENTIRE pigs head stuffed with a whole lobster & pommes aligote (thats potato puree emulsified with cheese curds.... OY).   Oh yeah,  it was also sprinkled in gold leaf.....   I would say we did pretty damned good considering it was just two of us.

So needless to say, I need to work out like crazy now to work this off.   I am still limping a wee bit, but I will try to play a round of golf this weekend and hopefully try to go for a run in two weeks.  The 4th of July in fact!

Until then its bike and push-ups.  And a whole lot of lentils.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

limping along day to day

So my toe feels a lot better, but is still quite sore and still looks pretty nasty.  My limp is not as pronounced and I can go up and down stairs with more ease.  I still think I am probably a month away from trying to go out for a jog.  I have been doing tons of push-ups (my broke toe/foot straddling my good foot/heel) and my diet is back in action.

I am still right around 215 lbs (which sucks big, hairy, donkey balls) but I am keeping a pretty good eye on what I eat.  Unfortunately with Montreal looming all bets are gone.  I will probably just eat cabbage and lentils for a month when I get back.

I have started drinking green tea as a coffee supplement. It's not the same.  I find it similar to drinking swamp water.   I still have a coffee in the morning, but I drink the green tea during the day to keep my cups of coffee to one.  I will hopefully start riding my bike again soon.  I still want to rest my foot for another week or so before riding.   I am in no hurry to re-injure my foot.   I swear, I feel like a middle aged man.

The New York Mets are not offering any support either.  They are on a losing streak that shows no signs of slowing down.  We lost both games of a double header yesterday to the Pirates for the love of Krishna.   I could have really used a couple of wins in my injured state.  I need some pep dammit!  Oh well. It's a long season and I will spend much of it on the couch.

Lunch today is a cabbage salad with chickpeas, red peppers, chili paste and roast chicken!

I also had an avocado for breakfast.... and a banana.

Still winning.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

things to be done.

I bought a pull-up bar.  I am going to exercise while I am hobbled.  Somehow dammit, I am going to burn calories whilst I am an invalid.  I think push-ups, pull-ups and planks should keep me busy for the foreseeable future.  I will probably start riding my bike to work again starting next week.  I am off to Montreal next weekend and I foresee about 1,000,000,000,000 calories in my near future.

My first night there (Friday the 10th) I am going to Joe Beef.  They are known for sheer indulgence in portion size as well as just plain caloric blasphemy.  I may have to walk about 20 miles the next day to counter act some of my feasting.  I am looking forward to their wine list as it is apparently quite interesting.  A lot of natural wines and, though I am on the fence when it comes to the "natural" wine movement, I'm hoping to get an education during my meal.

Saturday night we go to Au Pied De Cochon.  If ever a glutton had his Titanic, this meal may be it.  Excess, luxury, fat, fat and more fat.  Chances are I will be throwing up most of this meal, so maybe the calorie count will remain stable Saturday.  Here's hoping I have the courage to go all in and not faint at the sight of all that decadence.  Foie Gras Pizza?  Foie Gras Poutine?  Heaven help me.

Other than that I imagine dinner at a Bistro Sunday and at least 1 poutine a day.  Not to mention the Giant breakfasts and smoked meats for lunch.  I should probably just walk back to New York on Monday..... Oh yeah, there will also be good beer, bagels and real cheese.  I am seriously screwed.

I think my next long weekend might have to be at a yoga retreat.

Monday, May 30, 2016

god dammit

So I am out for 6-8 more weeks.  I fractured my middle toe.  We had a delivery of 1,200 cases of wine at work two days ago.  I had a palette of wine that weighed roughly 2,400 pounds on a palette jack and I ran it right over my foot.  Ouch.

I have been icing it for two days and keeping it elevated.  I need to get to CVS and pick up some wraps to keep my toe compressed.  I am very bummed.  Its like the universe doesn't want me to train.
I am sure this happens to everyone at some point and i'm sure i'll get through it.  It just sucks.

I hope I will be able to ride my bike fairly soon as I would like to have some sort of exercise happening.  But until then plenty of baseball, Game of Thrones and Netflix for me.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

addendum II

I drove up to my parents house in PA last night after work (2 1/2 hours) to see my cat, Captain Marmalade.

He looked freaked out.

He ran around like a crackhead for about 20 minutes and then it was all meows and purrs and kneading of paws.  We hung out and caught up on Game of Thrones.  I think he likes the dragons.

I had taken a ribeye out of the freezer on Monday when I dropped off The Captain and I cooked it last night when I, finally, got there.  I had it with some asparagus, pomme puree and a mushroom sauce that I made using some chicken stock, cream and cognac.  I may have gone a little overboard.....

I took a pork chop out of the freezer this morning before driving back to New York (3 hours in traffic).  I am going to have that Saturday night with a nice salad of greens from my mom's garden.
Sunday, if my cold is completely gone,  I am going to go for a run.

That is all.


Matt Harvey did not come through on Tuesday, but I still have high hopes for him.

The word hubris comes to mind when I think of Mr. Harvey.   He believed the hype too much too soon.  I think he will go through a period of reflection, perhaps gain some modesty and then move forward.  Or so I hope anyway.

Mr. Steven Matz pitched a hell of a game yesterday.  

The Mets are poised to go all the way this year.  Lets stay healthy boys.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

in sickness and in health and with, or without, cat

Cough. Hack. Phlem. Gack.

That was on repeat last night.  I barely slept.  My cold, or flu, or whatever, finally localized in my chest and has been giving me grief.  I sound like a sick donkey.  I would have made soup but still no use of the kitchen.  I have been told that by Thursday I should be cooking again so that is good news.

I haven't trained in days.  I have thought about it, but as I am sick I have decided to rest as best I can until my health is back.  I am getting restless to train again.  To get my routine back.  So I will approach that with caution as I don't want to hurt myself.

For too many reasons to get into, I have had to leave The Captain (my cat) in PA for the week.


I have left him a bunch of food and water and will drive two hours to see him tomorrow night, but I will have to leave him again Thursday morning until Saturday.  This is filling me with TONS of anxiety and remorse.  I understand that people leave their cats alone for a few days, but this is a new kind of suffering for me.  I feel like a bad parent and I probably am.  Sigh.

Not a lot to report as not a lot has been going on.  The Brooklyn Half was this weekend and I really would like to run it next year.  My big toe hurts today for no apparent reason and my hair is getting kind of long.  The Mets beat The pesky Nationals last night with Colon on the mound and tonight Harvey faces Strasburg.  This also fills me with anxiety.  I would like to see Harvey reclaim his greatness and have a big ole W to help him regain some confidence.  Fingers crossed.

I will post soon.  Hopefully I can get a run in by this weekend.  I am looking forward to it.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

the cold truth of a cold box of pizza

In the cold light of THIS morning I groped for a glass of water.  My throat was parched and my head a little woozy.  I had slept like the dead and felt like the barely living.  I went out drinking last night after work.  Not a crazy, hard knuckled, throw 'em down affair, but definitely more than usual.  And to make matters worse, on my way home, I ordered a whole pizza for delivery.

It was a rookie move.  Thumb-suckery of the lowest order.  I might as well have been holding my breath and stomping my feet.  I was just over it.  The construction, the showering at friends, the going to the bathroom in the basement, the whole lot of it.  So I drank away some of my suffering and sat down in front of Braveheart to eat the rest of it away.  With a large meat-lovers pizza as my opiate.

It was pitiful.

I crawled into bed at 9:30 and was just drifting off into the sleep of the stuffed when I got a text from and old friend.

Want to go for a walk around the park? She asked.

Ugh. I thought.  The last thing I wanted to do was get out of my bed.  I just wanted to succumb to the lazy.  Just drift off to sleep with the mildest scent of pepperoni on my lips, tempting the wrath of Queen Mab.

But I wanted to see my friend and sleep was a terrible excuse.

Sure thing. 10 minutes? 

I got up, got dressed, and went to meet her.

We walked my morning loop.  Just over 3 miles.  We caught up and talked about life, eating, exercise, her son, her work, my work, life and all that good stuff.  We talked for a while because walking 3 miles takes some time!  I was surprised how long it took.  Running it, apparently, is much quicker (even in my case).

After we said our goodbyes I walked home. I felt pretty good, even smug, about getting in a 5 mile walk after the pizza.  Once I got home it was straight to bed and sleep. Which brings me to this morning and the cold light and the groggy.

Sure, I was loopy and tired and cranky and a little sore.  But after hemming and hawing for 10 minutes or so I said fuck it and got out of bed.  I put on my running shorts, my new batman t-shirt (baby blue), my running shoes and my Mets cap and then, right after walking down to the basement to go to the bathroom, I headed out for my run.