Wednesday, June 22, 2016

checked out and ready to run... in, like, 3 more weeks.....

I went and saw my doctor this morning to get new blood pressure medicine.  She was happy with my BP and was very happy with my weight loss.  I explained that I had even managed to get skinnier, but that I had gained quite a bit back due to lack of exercise.  I am glad that she, and her assistant, noticed the change.

I have the Captain back home with me now.  He was pretty fucking nonplussed when he realized that he was staying with me again, in my teeny tiny apartment.  He was getting spoiled at my folks with lots of room to run around.  Its back to the tyranny of the New York apartment.  Deal with it cat.

Summer seems to have finally arrived.  It is hot today and I have a feeling that I will be in the depths of hell when I can, finally, get out running again.  I am looking forward to it and I am starting to chomp at the bit a bit.

My diet is back to normal.  I had some chickpeas with avocado, chicken and vegetables for lunch today.  I was thinking some mackerel tonight with brown rice and kale for supper.   I also have been eating brown rice for breakfast a lot.  With a couple of eggs.  Its really fulfilling.

The Mets are tumbling downhill as fast as they can.  We did manage to beat the Royals today though!  Don't even get me started about the possible Reyes trade.  We don't need a wife beater on our squad thank you very much.  We need young talent.  And we need it now.

Lets go toe and Lets Go Mets.

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