cat musings
The Captain caught a mouse in my apartment this morning!
I was on the phone and I heard a pounce and then in he walked, proud as punch, with a furry little rodent his mouth. I was very proud. I thought to myself; "What a skillful and brave hunter I have adopted."
Aaaaand then he shit the bed (metaphorically speaking).
After about 3 seconds of proud peacockery he started to try and toy with the little fella. This lasted about 10 seconds and then the mouse, deciding that this game was for the birds, scooted under my fridge.
The wind was let out of my cats furry balloon. I thought it hilarious. He did not. I left him staring at my fridge contemplating life, death, rodent behavior and, perhaps, allegories concerning birds in hand vis a vis birds in bush. He's probably still there.
I ran 3 hot miles yesterday. It was really tough to get out there, but I felt better once I started. Well, relatively anyways.. I have found that the heat is REALLY affecting me. I am super sluggish out there. I invested in a "hydration system" which is basically a backpack with a plastic sack of water in it. I foresee myself getting a lot of use out of that bad boy.
I have a lot of questions about hydrating and fueling for longer runs and hydrating/fueling during longer runs. I will have to do some research. I have no idea what to eat before a long run. Do I eat the night before? Morning of? How much water should I drink? Can I drink too much? Will I crap my pants? I worry about having to worry about bodily functions during long runs. I just don't want to be the guy charging to the port-o-potty (or worse).
Lots to think about.
I'm off to the country this weekend! A little golf, a little bbq and probably a longish run.
Enjoy your weekend folks!
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