sore legs and a sunny disposition
I went for a run with my running club yesterday morning. A sunny, meandering, 3 mile run with a mean hill towards the end. I kept up with everyone which was nice and I even managed to hold bits of conversation. We kept our pace at, around, 10:30 as the Monday run is a recovery run. It felt good.
I took down my calendar yesterday and charted my training for the Staten Island Half. I am using Hal Higdon's Novice 1/2 Marathon regime. It builds, incrementally, every 2 weeks. Every 2 weeks the "regular" runs increase by a half mile and the long runs by a mile. Week 6 and 9 long runs scale back in distance to, I assume, allow for recovery.
The Sunday before the Marathon is a 10 mile run which I imagine I will follow up with a very cold bath to bring down, what I imagine will be, some very swollen legs! My calves and quads are quite sore today. I will continue to run 3 mile'ish runs until my training starts on the 19th and then I follow the program.
Nothing new to report otherwise.
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