My morning run was tedious. It kind of sucked. There was no va-va-voom, no insight, no gestalt, nada... I just ran like a Hamster on a wheel. Bummer.
But I didn't quit! That, I guess, is something to put on the "It wasn't a total waste of time!" shelf. It's important to have that shelf. I keep many past relationships, awards, jobs.... college, on that shelf. It's a good shelf.
I also paid attention to my breathing and managed to work through a couple of cramps. It just felt bleck. Blaaah. Uninspired. I guess there are always going to be days like that. Perhaps you just have to motor on. If every run was Chariots of Fire it wouldn't mean as much. Maybe its time to mix up my route, change things up?
I posted on ye ole Facebook that I signed up for the Staten Island Half Marathon. The result was demoralizing to say the least. Everyone says its a beast of a Half. ALL HILLS. One may look upon that and shudder, but I figure that if there are a lot of big uphills, there must be some long downhills as well. I will get up 'em and catch my breather on the downhill. Or at least that's my story and i'm sticking to it.
Time to ice the old knees. I am making myself a pizza tonight! I used the Franny's cold proof recipe. It calls for, basically, a 60 hour cold proof. I am thinking clams. Or turkey meatballs. I earned it.
****I ended up making a meatball pizza,
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