Sunday, March 20, 2016

new personal best

I went out with some friends last night and probably had two too many drinks. I got out of there relatively unscathed considering the debauchery that could have followed had I stayed.  I got to bed around midnight and hoped to sweet Christ that I would sleep well and would be rested for my run this morning.  Ah the hopes and dreams of the stupid...

I woke up at 6 AM, The Captain was meowing and batting my face with reckless abandon.  He was not going for a run. What did he care?  I considered his demise and he continued to attack mode my feet.  I lay in bed for an hour summoning up some sort of will, or hope, or moxy  to get my ass into my shorts and out the door.

It was COLD this morning when I started.  I kept my pace in check because I wanted to warm up gradually.  I felt good, all things considered.  I managed to feel good all the way through my first 3 miles. I managed to feel good pretty much all through my loop, even up the lousy hill at the end.  I felt so good in fact that once I got to the top of the lousy hill I turned around and ran the inside loop (the loop within the loop - 2.5 miles).  I ran a 10K this morning!  6.2 miles at a 10:19 minute pace.

I am feeling pretty good about this.  Now I feel like I can train with more intensity and focus because I have run the distance I am working towards.  Unfortunately I didn't gleen too much from my run.  I did learn one thing though.  I learned this; running makes no sense.

Running makes ZERO sense.  I imagine that my short run tomorrow will be grueling and in 3 weeks i'll have a great run for no apparent reason.  Some runs will suck, some won't.  It makes no sense.  It is total chaos.

My running group ran 12 miles yesterday (I did not partake) to a pizza place in Bay Ridge.  They had a huge ice cream Sunday after they devoured a few pizza's.  This I can understand and this is something I would like to work towards.  Running for treats is something that I can seriously get behind.

I have ice on my knees now and I am going to go do some shopping in a few.  I feel good.  I feel hopeful.


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