Thursday, April 7, 2016

Still a turtle, but a slightly faster turtle

Ran my regular 5 mile loop on Wednesday and at the risk of sounding like a filthy hippie, which may be too late, I made an "intention" of running faster (to myself).  I decided to run the loop backwards.  I went down Hell Hill first and hit the long, gradual, uphill on the back 1/2 of the run.  I now know that the Staten Island Half will be hilly so I want to start running as many hills as I can whilst I train.

I ran with an "intention".  I didn't scream at my internal self to "Push!".  I just let the intention hang there like a scent and found myself running a little faster than usual.  I slowed down if it got too hard, but that happened less often than I expected.  It was a good, faster, run.

About a mile before I was done I felt a very sharp, quick, sensation in my knee.  It hurt a lot, but I managed to slow down and run through it.  My knee still hurts a little today, but it doesn't feel like an emergency.  I will keep an eye on it though.  Especially with my long run coming up on Sunday.

I have managed to get my salad count up, but my weight is still constant at 210.  I am going to have to start doing some sort of workout routine.  GODAMN IT!!!!  Stupid science.  I just want to get skinny.  Blarg.

All told I ran 5 miles at a 9:47 pace which is 40 seconds faster than my last run.  My first run that was  a sub 10 minute pace.  Slow and steady my friends.  Thats me in a nutshell.  Or a Tortoise shell.....

wacka wack wacka

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