Tuesday, April 26, 2016


I haven't run really since Saturday.  My legs are SPENT.  I tried to run a quick little 2 miler on Sunday and could barely make it a mile and a half.  This morning my legs felt stuffed.  My calves tight, my quads sore and my knee still the same dull pain.  I definitely may have pushed it a little too much the last 1/2 mile of the race.

I have also managed to gain back 10 pounds and that has REALLY bummed me out.  it definitely happened after I started biking to work. Am I building muscle?  Is my body over the exercise and sticking to its own agenda (getting me fat?)?   It's very frustrating.

I am going to shoot for 3 miles tomorrow morning.  I am going to try and cut my miles down a little and start upping my pace.  I will also include a hill/interval day.  I can start building for the half in July.  Until then I need to work on my foundation.  My fat temple is in a shitty state.

I am still eating pretty good.  I have brown rice with hummus, chicken and arugula for lunch today.  I am going to make a large salad for dinner.  I did have whole wheat toast with 2 eggs for breakfast sans butter.  I am going to try and make the switch to green tea next.  I am slowly turning into a hippie.  Barf.

On the bright side of things The Mets have been steaming right along.  Both Degrom and Syndergaard had rough outings, but managed to get the W anyway. Colon is pitching tonight and that guy gives fat men everywhere hope.  He is half sumo and half ballerina.  What a piece of work is man.

I was thinking that maybe if I do shorter runs I can start doing 2-a-days on my days off....  But maybe that is crazy talk.....

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