Monday, February 29, 2016


I'll go ahead and make this another quick post as I am behind at work!!!!

Personal best time today!  10:13 minute pace for 3.58 miles.

I am currently trying to figure out a great pre-run warm up so I don't spend the first mile of my run feeling like i'm running on glass stilts.  I ran/walked to the park today and did a quick, light, stretch before I started my ACTUAL run.  The results were pretty good.  My legs were not as wobbly when I started and I managed to keep a good pace the entire run.  I also managed to run through a pretty severe cramp.  I think I will drink more water as I decidedly do not like cramps.

A big gargantuan oaf of a human threw his shoulder at me when passing close by this morning.  He was on the wrong side of the path and clearly in the wrong, but hey,  I decided that I would be the better (and considerably smaller) human and let it drop rather than spending the morning icing my face.  It's important to choose your fights.

Icing my knees and then going to stretch.

Adios conejos.

- El Tortuga


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Reading your writing makes me laugh and want to go for a run myself! Also I love your openness and experimentation, and your smiling-pace philosophy - makes me want to run with Karlan or Colbert in the ears... Tortuga valiente!
