Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Prospect Park 10 K, April 23rd.

I am going to start my training on the 22nd of this month.  I am on the fence of wether I should embrace a 3 day training schedule or a 4 day training schedule.  I am leaning towards the 4 day, but Coach says start with 3 (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) and work up to 4 (Sunday).  I will inherit a Sunday/Monday turn around and since Sunday is my long day I will probably run/walk Mondays to start.

To get the most benefit from my Sunday "long" day I will add a half mile every week ramping up to 6 miles;

Mon 02/22 - 3.1
Wed 02/24 - 2.5
Frid 02/26 - 3.1

Mon 02/29 - 3.1
Wed 03/02 - 2.5
Frid  03/04 - 3.1

Mon 02/07 - 3.1
Wed 03/09 - 2.5
Frid  03/11 - 3.1

Mon 03/14 - 3.1
Wed 03/16 - 2.5
Frid  03/18 - 3.1
Sun  03/20 - 3.5

Mon 03/21 - 3.1 (run/walk)
Wed 03/23 - 2.5
Frid  03/25 - 3.1
Sun  03/27 - 4

Mon 03/28 - 3.1 (run/walk)
Wed 03/30 - 2.5
Frid 04/01 - 3.5
Sun  04/03 - 4.5

Mon  04/04 - 3.1 (run/walk)
Wed  04/06 - 2.5
Frid   04/08 - 3.1
Sun   04/10  - 5

Mon  04/11 - 3.1
Wed  04/13 -2.5
Frid  04/15 - 3.5
Sun   04/17 - 5.5

Mon  04/18 -3.1
Wed  04/20 -2.5
Thur  04/22 -3.1
Sat     04/23 - Race day (6.2)

I think this is a doable schedule.  I want to ride my bike around the park on off days or do some core training at home.  My goal is to not think about time, but to think about lightness and ease. I think pace will come with miles put down.  Everything still hurts pretty much all the time so I will have to learn the difference between "good" pain and BAD pain.

I am very excited to get started but, knowing my propensity for getting over eager and pushing too hard, I need to adopt a patience that I have hitherto not acknowedged in my day to day life.  OH BOY.  This is going to be a beast.

I have joined The Crown Heights Runners Club.  They have a novice run Mondays at 6:30 in the morning, plus training for 5K's, 10K's and 1/2 and full marathons.  I am a little nervous joining a new club.  Will they like me? Will I fit in?  Is there some sort of branding ceremony?  I picture robes, incense and a glowing crown brand being placed on my lily white flesh.  Seared hog.

Well.  Wish me luck friends. As always, again, I welcome insight and opinion.  So please, don't be afraid to get involved.  Comment. Call. Text. Encourage!  

Blogspot (Seriously? There must be a better name) tells me if you add your email where it says - EMAIL - you will be rewarded with notifications of updated posts!



  1. Just getting caught up and glad to see that my endless pleas to slow down , pave yourself and not overdo have not fallen on deaf ears!! ( shin splints help with that too;) Excited to be on this journey with you! My sage advice as you go back out there is this... There will always be someone out there who is faster than you , someone who doesn't look like they should be able to beat you that does, and someone to compare yourself to. However running isn't about that. RUN YOUR OWN RACE. Running is about you, it's about what you want to accomplish at the pace that feels right to you - no matter what ANYONE else is doing. It is the ultimate autonomy that makes us find our own limits and learn to lovingly accept and then GENTLY push past those limits until we find ourselves being capable of doing things we never thought we could. Don't rush it my friend. Worry about yourself. Listen to your body and think about how you will feel crossing the finish line. Xxo

  2. Ps. My first 5k race I got my ass kicked by a girl 15 years older than me and about 50 pounds overweight running with an equally chubby Chesapeake bay retriever who looked like he was going to keel over at any minute. I spent the whole race fixated on that I "should" be able to at least beat them! I learned that day to stay in my own bubble and focus on myself. Although I have run over 5 times that distance and at a much faster pace that was the LONGEST and hardest 3 miles of my life! Run your own race and commit to only listen to the voices cheering you on while you do. You got this! Have a great day out there!

  3. I don't know if I have another persons race in me yet! My own race will have to suffice!
