Friday, February 12, 2016


I had an amazing dream last night.

In it I was running cross country with my, former, middle school classmates (I never ran cross-country in middle school).  We were all older though.  In the dream I started the race too early because I couldn't find the starting line.  I ran for about a mile and then doubled back only to find the starting line and to realize that the race had already begun.  I started over, full of panic, but running at the lightest, most fluid, sprint.  I mean I was hauling, but it felt like my feet were barely touching the ground.

I ran for miles.  Through streets and woods I scampered, leaped and slid on snow covered paths (like I was skiing).  It was truly amazing.  When I finally caught up with my team the race was over. Apparently we won.  All the other teams were walking back to their buses, or homes, but my team was standing around our coach.  I have no idea who this guy was. He was of the nameless, faceless, variety of dream specter, but he got us all pumped up to run back to the starting line and off we sprinted. No questions asked.

We ran as a pack.  Flying, silent, through back woods and parks and snow covered playgrounds.  Just tearing through neighborhood after neighborhood until we got back to the start.  UNBELIEVABLY realistic. 

What was amazing about the dream, was that it reminded me of something.  It brought back that feeling of running all out and not HURTING.  That thumping, hammering, 10 year old boy chest that has run until empty and yet, still has a giant grin on his face!  The weightlessness and wonderfulness of pure, all out, spastic, energy and joy.  

So now I can't wait for my next run.  Not because I will experience anything remotely like my dream, but because, I bet, it will get me one step closer to something resembling that feeling. Maybe a 45 year old version of that feeling, but something close anyways.

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