Saturday, February 6, 2016

So I figured something out.  I think.  Well, I came to this conclusion today during my 4.57 mile run to The Lutheran Church in Lido Beach (in Florida where I am spending the week); I shouldn't run faster than I can consistently hold a smile.  It's hokey, I know, but it seems to keeps me honest and it keeps my ego in check. If I start speeding up and start huffing and puffing I am clearly trying too hard.  If I try to keep happy, I need to set a pace that supports that.  I imagine this quasi-philosophy may change over time, but it definitely helped on my longest run to date.  Also, there are a lot of miserable looking runners out there and I don't want to look like them.  

I went to a shoe store in downtown Sarasota this morning, after my run, in order to see what kind of feedback I could get on shoes, philosophy, goals setting, etc.  I spoke to the manager and she informed me, after sizing my feet, that, perhaps, instead of running in a 12.5 shoe I should consider running in a shoe that fits me.  As I am clearly a size 14.

This was a surprise.  Have my feet grown a full size and a half???  Or, is it possible that the 30 plus pounds I have put on over the past 5 years have smashed my feet out making them longer and wider? I was ashamed either way, pure and simple.  My brother used to tease me mercilessly about my feet and now I have flippers.  Eeeeesh.

The manager also suggested that I run with their running group Monday night as they do a weekly 5K and I said I would be there.  And then I spent $175 on a pair of running shoes and some orthopedic flip flops.  These shits ain't cheap.  I don't want to become a gear guy, but I feel the force is strong with the running mafia. They will come for me in the dead of night and bury me in the swamps of jersey if I don't get a head lamp, a running vest, compressor shorts, shirts, orthopedic inserts and running hats.

The struggle is indeed real.

Day off tomorrow and then an evening 5 K on Monday!  Living the dream.

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