I dressed in the cold. I could hear the soft rain patting against my window. I put on my shoes and walked out of my flat. Dawn was barely visible. I walked in the rain, Grateful Dead on Spotify, and took note of my appendages. They were all, more or less, for shit.
I started my run and my knees were all knobby and weebly-wobbly. It took about a mile to find some strength in them and probably another mile to find a pace. All in all I ran just under three with a warm down run home. There were some failures this morning and some successes. This does not surprise me as I find this to be a recurring theme.
My pace was an 11 minute mile which to me is nothing to be ashamed of. I think If I keep my training going I should be able to shave a minute and a half off by the end of summer. The big hill at the end of my loop in the park was definitely a big win for me today. I wouldn't say I attacked it, but I pawed at it with more ferocity than I have hitherto shown. I managed to keep my wind pretty steady too and that has been a source of trouble for me.
The greatest success, I think anyway, came when I got home. I was wet, cold and shivering and there was NO HOT WATER in my building. To say I was upset is an understatement. I cursed the gods. I wanted to maim and murder and torture the management office that oversee's my Co-op. I was ready to go postal. But I thought to myself, as I often do when I need to get to the meat and marrow of the matter; "What would John Rambo do?". And the answer was clear. He would take a cold shower. Because he has no fear. So I took a motherfucking cold shower.
I am a badass and this morning I win.
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