Wednesday, May 11, 2016

bloody rebellion and possibly a gout attack?

Terrible run this morning (yesterday morning actually. I forgot to publish... oops).

Most foul.

I ran 2 miles and then called it quits.  Like Roberto Duran, I "no mas'd" and gave up.   Oh the shame. Oh the horror.  I suck.

After I quit, as if to embellish the Duran metaphor even more, my nose started to bleed.  Like a fountain.  I left a bloody trail in my wake.  Like a scarlet letter it trailed behind me. Like an accusation.  Like a damning clue.

But, being that said... I bloodily walked to Hell Hill and ran up it.  And then I ran most of the way home (after a brief stretch).  Perhaps as punishment?  Maybe to quiet the negative demons pecking away at my tortured soul.....

And then it seemed like I was suffering a gout attack. Both my dad and my brother suffer from gout. My toe seemed like it was on fire for about 1/4 mile and then it subsided.  I think i'm probably ok as, from my understanding, gout attacks are apparently much worse and don't go away so quickly. Here's hoping anyway.

So, i'll try again Thursday.  My world is a little upside down right now.  My kitchen is unusable due to construction at my place so my diet is basically tacos, fried rice and burgers.  Also, I have been showering down the street as my bathroom is the worksite. I can't wait until my bathroom is finished. Oh, to take a hot bath after a run (or a cold one after a long run?).

I am still riding my bike to and from work.  At least I am not a TOTAL lazy butt.

Womp, womp. Head hung low.  Charlie Brown exit.

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