Wednesday, June 29, 2016

monday run day

I am going to try to go for a 3 miler on Monday.  Super slow and very easy.  Test this little piggy out. I have been keeping off my feet as best as possible and have been riding my bike a lot.  My weight is down to 211 which is huge all things considered.

My diet is one that I can manage and seems to be working for me; last night:  Lamb chops, Eggplant and Salad.  Lunch today:  Chickpeas, roast chicken, asparagus and zucchini salad with red onion, lemon juice and olive oil.

Tomorrow I will pack a huge lentil salad with a few hard boiled eggs for dinner at work.  I have been ordering delivery Sicilian (square) pies (rule broken... I know) and freezing individual slices so if I come home late and am starving I can pop 1 or 2 slices in the oven.   Not a great plan, but it beats stopping by some take out Chinese place, or downing tacos and nachos, late night.

I got my blood test results back from my doctors visit last week.  The results are phenomenal. My doctor was super impressed.  My bad cholesterol is virtually gone, my BP is down and all the things on my chart that were in the red, 5 months ago, are much better.  I was pretty blown away by the results.  Apparently exercise is good for you.  Who knew?

Its starting to get hot out there.  I have been drinking tons of water at work, about a gallon a day, and will need to be on top of that when I start training again.   I am full of anxiety about starting up again, but I will try to motor through that.  It's going to suck rebuilding from the beginning, but if it was easy everybody would be doing it.

The Mets are now free falling.  It's like watching a car accident.  Everybody is injured and we are not going to make any moves towards acquiring somebody of substance.  Oh well, maybe in a few more years i'll have something to look forward to.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

checked out and ready to run... in, like, 3 more weeks.....

I went and saw my doctor this morning to get new blood pressure medicine.  She was happy with my BP and was very happy with my weight loss.  I explained that I had even managed to get skinnier, but that I had gained quite a bit back due to lack of exercise.  I am glad that she, and her assistant, noticed the change.

I have the Captain back home with me now.  He was pretty fucking nonplussed when he realized that he was staying with me again, in my teeny tiny apartment.  He was getting spoiled at my folks with lots of room to run around.  Its back to the tyranny of the New York apartment.  Deal with it cat.

Summer seems to have finally arrived.  It is hot today and I have a feeling that I will be in the depths of hell when I can, finally, get out running again.  I am looking forward to it and I am starting to chomp at the bit a bit.

My diet is back to normal.  I had some chickpeas with avocado, chicken and vegetables for lunch today.  I was thinking some mackerel tonight with brown rice and kale for supper.   I also have been eating brown rice for breakfast a lot.  With a couple of eggs.  Its really fulfilling.

The Mets are tumbling downhill as fast as they can.  We did manage to beat the Royals today though!  Don't even get me started about the possible Reyes trade.  We don't need a wife beater on our squad thank you very much.  We need young talent.  And we need it now.

Lets go toe and Lets Go Mets.

Friday, June 17, 2016

for the love of poutine.....

I got back from Montreal on Monday and have been basically living on brown rice and lentils ever since.  My toe is still F'd in the A, but I have been riding my bike and doing tons of push-ups.   I will keep at it.  Weight is around 216 which is not optimal, but under 220 which is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

My cat, Captain Marmalade, may be coming back home Monday as my parents are nervous about having him at their house in PA.  Their fear (and mine) is that he may run out into the street and get squooshed by a car.   I miss the little bugger and would be glad to have him back.

Montreal was amazing.  The weather was not so hot, but the food was redic.  I ate at Joe Beef Friday night and Au Pied de Cochon Saturday night.   Sunday night I ate at a great wine bar called Buvette Chez Simon.    I am still digesting I think.

At Joe Beef we started with a dozen Oysters followed by Razor Clams (with shaved foie gras a top them).  We followed this with a beef "gravlax" and then a 1/2 smoked duck.  We finished with a hazelnut cake and a couple glasses of Amaro.  You can see all this via my instagram. BTW...

At Au Pied de Cochon we went banana's.  We had Oysters, Asparagus and Morel mushrooms with veal demi and a fondue of parmesan, FOIE GRAS Poutine (thats french fries with cheese curds, seared foie gras and foie gras gravy) and an ENTIRE pigs head stuffed with a whole lobster & pommes aligote (thats potato puree emulsified with cheese curds.... OY).   Oh yeah,  it was also sprinkled in gold leaf.....   I would say we did pretty damned good considering it was just two of us.

So needless to say, I need to work out like crazy now to work this off.   I am still limping a wee bit, but I will try to play a round of golf this weekend and hopefully try to go for a run in two weeks.  The 4th of July in fact!

Until then its bike and push-ups.  And a whole lot of lentils.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

limping along day to day

So my toe feels a lot better, but is still quite sore and still looks pretty nasty.  My limp is not as pronounced and I can go up and down stairs with more ease.  I still think I am probably a month away from trying to go out for a jog.  I have been doing tons of push-ups (my broke toe/foot straddling my good foot/heel) and my diet is back in action.

I am still right around 215 lbs (which sucks big, hairy, donkey balls) but I am keeping a pretty good eye on what I eat.  Unfortunately with Montreal looming all bets are gone.  I will probably just eat cabbage and lentils for a month when I get back.

I have started drinking green tea as a coffee supplement. It's not the same.  I find it similar to drinking swamp water.   I still have a coffee in the morning, but I drink the green tea during the day to keep my cups of coffee to one.  I will hopefully start riding my bike again soon.  I still want to rest my foot for another week or so before riding.   I am in no hurry to re-injure my foot.   I swear, I feel like a middle aged man.

The New York Mets are not offering any support either.  They are on a losing streak that shows no signs of slowing down.  We lost both games of a double header yesterday to the Pirates for the love of Krishna.   I could have really used a couple of wins in my injured state.  I need some pep dammit!  Oh well. It's a long season and I will spend much of it on the couch.

Lunch today is a cabbage salad with chickpeas, red peppers, chili paste and roast chicken!

I also had an avocado for breakfast.... and a banana.

Still winning.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

things to be done.

I bought a pull-up bar.  I am going to exercise while I am hobbled.  Somehow dammit, I am going to burn calories whilst I am an invalid.  I think push-ups, pull-ups and planks should keep me busy for the foreseeable future.  I will probably start riding my bike to work again starting next week.  I am off to Montreal next weekend and I foresee about 1,000,000,000,000 calories in my near future.

My first night there (Friday the 10th) I am going to Joe Beef.  They are known for sheer indulgence in portion size as well as just plain caloric blasphemy.  I may have to walk about 20 miles the next day to counter act some of my feasting.  I am looking forward to their wine list as it is apparently quite interesting.  A lot of natural wines and, though I am on the fence when it comes to the "natural" wine movement, I'm hoping to get an education during my meal.

Saturday night we go to Au Pied De Cochon.  If ever a glutton had his Titanic, this meal may be it.  Excess, luxury, fat, fat and more fat.  Chances are I will be throwing up most of this meal, so maybe the calorie count will remain stable Saturday.  Here's hoping I have the courage to go all in and not faint at the sight of all that decadence.  Foie Gras Pizza?  Foie Gras Poutine?  Heaven help me.

Other than that I imagine dinner at a Bistro Sunday and at least 1 poutine a day.  Not to mention the Giant breakfasts and smoked meats for lunch.  I should probably just walk back to New York on Monday..... Oh yeah, there will also be good beer, bagels and real cheese.  I am seriously screwed.

I think my next long weekend might have to be at a yoga retreat.