Friday, September 15, 2017

take 2... or is it 3

Once again.  Back in the saddle.  Lots of ouch's and oof's.

Today was day three of my descent back into the running world.  Monday (3 miles) , Wednesday (4.5 miles) and today, Friday, (4.5 miles).  It's gonna be a long transition back in, but it felt good to be out there.  I even managed to get out of the house before 7 am this morning.

There is some tightness in my right knee when I begin my run and it takes roughly two miles for me to warm up and run the tightness out.  Its far from smooth sailing at that point, but my knees stop aching and my lungs begin to wake up.

I iced today after my run and took some aspirin. My knees and my calves are very sore.  Its a good thing I have a long weekend ahead of me. I really enjoy resting between runs.  I mean... its just gravy.  PS4 is back on.  After a run there is nothing like 2 hours of, feet up, couch bound, gaming to let the 'ole muscles rest.

My weight is not helping at all.  I feel like stone out there.  A lumbering Golem intent on scaring all that scamper by....  But if history has anything to say, i'll drop some pounds and slowly but surely this will get easier.  Take my time.  Take my time.  Easy does it.  Steady as she goes.

I'm definitely going to be posting less this winter, but i'll keep everyone abreast of my own little victories (and defeats).

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